Cinnamon Rolls!!

Cinnamon Rolls!!
Can You Say Yummy!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Long Night - But Butter Recipe :)

I had all the best intentions when it came to breakfast this morning.  I made the biscuits last nite and was going to make the sausage gravy after the kids went to bed.  However, since they didn't actually fall asleep until about the time I went to bed, I decided to make it first thing this morning.  That'll teach me to plan ahead.

To say it was windy around here last nite would be an understatement.  I would guess sustained winds of around 25-35 with some very high gusts.  Of course, it had been windy all day, but seemed to pick up somewhere around 11:30 or midnight.  Since we now live in an older house, the wind, of course, can be heard rattling the windows, blowing the tree branches outside and in general making weird creepy sounds throughout the house.  Which is what Cordie decided to come tell me a little before midnight.  She woke me up to say it was too windy, it sounded creepy in her room and when was it gonna stop.  I reassured her it would end soon, sent her back to bed and assumed that was the end of it.  Boy, was I wrong.  She proceeded to return to my room every 2 minutes for the next hour and half to tell me the same thing.  "Mommy, it sounds creepy in my room.  I don't like it.  Can I sleep in here?"  My response, was the same each time, "Yes, it sounds creepy.  I don't like it either.  No, you can't sleep in here."  During one of the last times she was convinced there would be a tornado.  I assured her there would not be and that we hadn't even heard any sirens.  With the words barely out of my mouth, cue the loud train whistle, which in the middle of the nite, in the middle of a wind storm, unfortuantely to an 8 year old can sound a heck of a lot like the tornado sirens!  So, fast forward another hour, I have calmed Cordie down and gotten her to sleep, gotten Belle back to sleep after her coughing fit, and finally laid back down....only to be kept up by the wind.  Geesh, Cordie's does sound creepy.  And of course the snoring dog, and the seemingly endless trains that decided last nite was the nite to be out.

In any event, as I got next to no sleep last nite, biscuits and gravy did not happen.  I offered to make hash with the leftover corned beef I had, and offered pancakes or waffles, but the girls were happy with some yogurt and toast.  Works for me.

So, for tonite, we will be having leftover soup from yesterday, homemade bread - yep the one I posted yesterday, and Belle's homemade butter...which I will add the recipe for now.  Then if I find my motivation later (which I assume is at the bottom of the pot 'o' coffee, I will be making a coffee cake for tomorrow, and will post that as well.

I don't really consider this a recipe....considering there are two ingredients.  We found this in a children's kitchen science experiment book we took out from the library.  It actually works, and is really, really good.

What you will need:

Half pint of whipping cream or heavy cream
Salt (to taste)

Really...that's it. Pour the cream into a large plastic jar, with a very tight and leak-proof lid.  I actually used a glass canning jar, but if you are concerned about dropping the jar while shaking it, plastic would be the way to go.

Anyway, pour the cream in, put on the lid and make sure it is tight.  Now, shake, shake, shake.  This is a good workout for those arms!  Keep shaking the jar, back and forth, up and down, side to side, whatever, for about 20 minutes.  It's a long time, but it is worth it.  Have the whole family help.  The mixture will first tighten up and look like whipped cream.  Keep shaking.  After about 20 minutes, the mixture will solidify and form a large yellow blob, for lack of a better term.  That's it, you're done!!  Congrats, you have made butter!!  Don't you feel all Little House on the Prairie right about now??

Carefully remove the lid and pour off the excess liquid, then remove the butter to a plastic container.  Stir in salt to taste...(we used very little), spread on toast, crackers, whatever else and enjoy!  Store in the fridge....and as it is real butter, it does harden up in the fridge, so be sure to take out a few minutes before you want to spread it on your morning toast so it has a chance to soften up.

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